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27 January 2008 - On to the tub Not such a long wait for this update! I have been busy finishing off the bulkhead so I can get on to the Tub, which is the only other major part to weld up. The doors are good and don't need any welding and the bonnet is a really good secondhand one that will just need rubbing down and painting. The Tub has been stacked up outside under a cover with various other bits including another chassis and a saloon tub, which is hopefully destined to become a rather fetching trailer for the old girl! The Bulkhead got several coats of white stonechip, primarily for protection but also because it has good soundproofing properties and will help reduce panel vibration when it is all together. It will all be topcoated so should look great when it is all done. I have managed to find a space under cover to put the finished bulkhead, it is all getting a bit tight on space for all my toys so I will have to hurry up and finish it! I am hoping the painter will approve of what I have done, as it should make his life a little easier. No I didn't stonechip the windscreen surround, as this is the only bit that is visible when all the doors and bonnet are on! Being able to get the bulkhead out of the garage has enabled me to bring in the tub and start work on that. As you can see, with everything else in the garage, it is a little cramped, but it is still better than working outside. My motorcycle lift is really helping and means that I don't have to lie on the floor to weld and my back is not suffering as much as it would have been! The tub is pretty rotten, although many new panels have been put on over the years, including rear wings, B-posts and wheel well. The sad thing is that the quality of the repairs are not that good and they have not been sealed very well, so the rot is already setting. I will have to do a number of repairs which should be okay once I get stuck in. I am a little concerned about one of the boot corners which is completely vanished and will need a lot of work, but maybe I will leave that until the end! So things are moving on and with a Triumph Show on the 10 Feb at Stoneliegh, I am hoping to get the welding done and the rolling chassis completed so it can go off to paint in 4 weeks time at the end of Feb. Ever hopeful aren't I?